We work with software that is free and opensource.
We make videoconferences with
Jitsi Meet and GNU/Linux.

Jitsi Meet is a web-based platform for realtime videoconferences. It works using WebRTC, that means that you only need a web browser and nothing else to use it. No plugins, no additional third-party software from unknown sources to install. Just open a browser link and join the meeting!

GNU/Linux is a free operating system and a proven server solution. We have experience with all of the major Linux distributions — Debian, Ubuntu, RedHat, CentOS, Slackware, Arch to name a few. Most of our projects are running Debian or Ubuntu, sometimes CentOS, but if you prefer any other flavour, we can easily adapt. We recommend using debian-based installs, mostly Debian or Ubuntu, but it’s not a strict requirement.

Projects from Lindeas:

  • jilo (JItsi Logs Observer) – tool for Jitsi logs monitoring